By Wayne Allyn Root
President Trump is winning so fast, I can’t even write columns fast enough to keep up with all his winning!
When I saw the stock markets, crypto markets and gold all cratering overnight around the world (because of “trade wars” supposedly started by Trump), I began to write a column about what fools these traders & investors are. I started to write that now is the time to buy, buy, and buy some more- because Trump is about to win these “trade wars” quickly and make America prosperous again.
And save our childrens’ lives too.
But before I could write this column, in a matter of hours, Trump has already won in negotiations with Mexico and Panama. Just like that. In a matter of hours. Reminder- just a few days ago, Trump made the President of Colombia blink in 10 hours.
That’s how it works when you hold all the cards!
Democrats and RINO Republicans are so stupid, foolish, and cowardly, they never understood America holds all the cards. We are the economic elephant in any room. We buy all the world’s goods. We are the richest nation in the world- by a mile. We buy everything from everyone.
What’s a business without customers?
Without American consumers buying, the whole world goes broke. We hold all the cards. We are the bully on Broad Street.
What part of that, don’t you understand?
How does any other country negotiate, or punish America, when our consumers buy everything they make? Take away our sales, and not only will your economy collapse, but the unemployed citizens of your country will revolt and overthrow your government. Yes, the money from America’s consumers is what keeps every other country’s Presidents and Prime Ministers in power.
That’s why President Trump is brilliant. He understands business, economic power and how to use it. And he understands we hold all the cards.
Which means long term, we can’t lose.
Democrats and RINO Republicans are either so dumb and clueless, such pathetic weak fools, they never understood that, or…
They’re playing for the other side.
I personally believe most of our U.S. political leaders and government officials are bribed and/or blackmailed, or both. They make $170,000 a year…
PLUS all they can steal.
They’re all on the take from multi-national corporations, and foreign countries like China, Iran and the Mexican Drug Cartels. Our elected political leaders and unelected officials are all getting filthy rich by selling us down the river. They each have millions, or tens of millions, in offshore bank accounts.
They’ve sold out America.
They’ve sold their souls to the devil in order to keep the border open for human trafficking, drug trafficking (in particular- Fentanyl trafficking), and child sex trafficking. They’ve sold out to Mexico and Canada to make sure we are always on the losing end of “free trade” deals. They’ve sold out to Iran to allow the world’s worst terrorist sponsor to get nuclear weapons. They use “climate change” and “green energy” lies and fraud to damage our economy and make sure China wins the economic war.
So, let me educate you about Trump’s tariffs. It’s very simple…
As far as Mexico and Canada go, Trump is asking them to secure their borders with America, to stop the flow of human trafficking and drug trafficking, to stop the flow of fentanyl that is killing our children. They can cooperate, or if not, they can commit economic suicide. It’s that simple.
In the case of China, the tariffs will be based on multiple factors. They must stop the flow of fentanyl that has killed more Americans in the past five years than all the wars America has fought in the past century. And they must stop taking advantage of our country economically.
Overnight, Trump defeated Mexico. They blinked. They gave in. They will install 10,000 Mexican troops at the border.
Overnight, Trump defeated Panama. They blinked. They will end their deal with China over the Panama Canal.
China will blink too.
America’s consumers buy everything China makes. We are China’s whole economy. We hold all the cards. If Trump puts huge tariffs on their goods and we stop buying, China is out of business.
But let’s look at a “worst-case scenario”- China refuses to give in. Then we hit them with huge tariffs. Soon Americans choose to buy cheaper American-made products. American businesses seeing what’s happening, start to invest in new manufacturing plants in America. Millions of Americans are employed in high-paying manufacturing jobs. Our tax revenues explode higher. America dominates the world economy again. That’s “the worst thing” that comes out of this.
But China has no choice. China will blink too.
And then there’s the best-case scenario. Trump wins this “trade war” quickly and instead of huge tariffs, he puts lower tariffs on every country’s goods and services. That tariff money flows into the USA. It replaces taxes paid by American taxpayers. Suddenly Trump can either dramatically lower taxes, or end income taxes and eliminate the IRS.
Does anyone think that’s bad?
Trump will also save us trillions of dollars over the next decade by securing our borders and deporting millions of illegal foreign invaders living off welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and a thousand other government handouts. All of those trillions of dollars are now freed up to lower our national debt, and invest in American infrastructure and American workers.
President Trump is a genius. The days of America being stupid are officially over. Trump is
about to make America and Americans prosperous again.
That’s why now is the time to invest in America. It’s time to buy stocks, and Bitcoin, and gold, and energy, and real estate. Buy with both hands. The golden era of Trump has begun. With Trump in charge, it pays to bet on America!
There’s only one problem for me- Trump keeps winning faster than I can write about it!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!
The post WAYNE ROOT: Trump’s Tariffs Explained Simply for Idiots, Fools, Morons, Critics, Doubters, Sad-Sack Losers & Communist Traitors. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.