San Fransisco 49ers Defensive End Nick Bosa has been fined by the NFL for flashing a MAGA hat at cameras the week before the election following a home-game victory in liberal San Francisco.
A league source told ESPN of the fine exceeding $11,000 on Saturday.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, in an unapologetic show of support for President Trump a week before the election, Bosa donned a white and gold MAGA hat following the team’s victory over the Dallas Cowboys.
He then crashed an NBC reporter’s post-game interview with quarterback Brock Purdy, running back Isaac Guerendo, and tight end George Kittle and pointed to his hat before storming off and not taking questions. It was the best thing football’s seen in decades!
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During a press conference after the game, Bosa told reporters he did it because “it’s an important time.”
And it cost him $11,255.
Per ESPN, “players are prohibited from displaying a personal message or non-sponsored branding ‘at any point throughout a game day when visible at the stadium and TV audience, including postgame interviews in the locker room or on the field.'”
This is the same league that allows personal messages of kneeling or sitting for the national anthem from leftist players and has sponsored the signing of the so-called black national anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” before games.
Bosa gave a locker room press conference on Wednesday and told reporters he hadn’t been fined yet, but “if it comes, it comes,” he said with a serene and unapologetic expression. When asked if he knew a fine was possible, Bosa responded, “Yeah, yeah. It was well worth it.”
“Clearly, the nation spoke, and we got what we got,” he continued, adding that election night was a “good time” for him.
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The post WATCH: San Francisco 49ers Defensive End Nick Bosa Fined to $11,000 by NFL After Crashing Teammate’s Interview and Flashing MAGA Hat – Bosa Responds in Interview, “Well Worth It!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.