Kari Lake, the Trump-Endorsed Republican Nominee for Senate in Arizona, is set to square off against the leftist propaganda media in Arizona this afternoon at 4 pm MST during a press conference in response to Kamala Harris visiting the border Friday.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Harris toured the border wall for just enough time to take photos. During remarks at Cochise College, she claimed that, as President, she would “do more to secure our border” after creating the worst border crisis in history.
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This press conference and Kamala’s border photo-op come right on the heels of a bombshell new ICE report, revealing that under Biden and Kamala Harris, over 13,000 murderers, 15,000 rapists, and 425,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens roam free in our country, taking over American towns and jobs. 226,000 more aliens face pending criminal charges.
Additionally, an August report from the Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General admits that over 320,000 unaccompanied migrant children were lost track of and “are considered at higher risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.” 291,000 of these missing children were never issued Notices to Appear in court or placed into removal proceedings. 32,000 children failed to appear on their court dates and are now missing. “They’re either dead, being sold into sex slavery, or just plain missing,” President Trump said during a press conference on Thursday.
However, Kamala Harris, the Democrats, and their leftist media cronies blame Trump for the wide open border and criminals they’ve let into the country, claiming he “tanked” the so-called border security bill that Harris and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer backed, which would give amnesty to illegals and still allow millions to cross the border each year.
If the Democrats had any intention of securing our southern border, Joe Biden and Harris could immediately sign an executive order into law. Kari Lake’s Democratic Senate opponent, radical progressive Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), has also voted 100% of the time with Biden, Harris, and the Democrats on the immigration issue. Gallego has also called Trump’s border wall “stupid” and “dumb.”
The reason they want open borders is clear. As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, non-citizens and illegal aliens in Phoenix, Arizona, admitted to being registered to vote in an undercover video posted by the Oversight Project. They further expressed interest in voting for Kamala Harris.
The Gateway Pundit readers can expect Lake to, once again, demolish and correct the mainstream media nutcases who pretend that the border is secure and that Republicans are the problem.
Ahead of today’s press conference, Kari Lake provided the following statement to The Gateway Pundit:
She’s a complete disgrace. She came to the border for 20 minutes and stared down at her feet while walking along the wall that she is opposed to so that she and her buddies in the fake news could say that she visited the border.
I’m surprised she didn’t call Joe Biden while she was there and say, “We did it, Joe; we destroyed America,” because that’s exactly what their policies on the border have done. 425,000 convicted criminals are roaming our streets, and Americans are being murdered, raped, and bludgeoned to death by criminals who have poured into our country illegally under her administration—including prisoners who have been let out of foreign prisons and sent to our country and crazed lunatics who have been let out of foreign insane asylums and shipped over to America.
And Kamala’s favorite buddy Congressman Ruben Gallego has voted with her dangerous and deadly agenda 100% of the time. Americans need to wake up and vote Trump and Lake in November to save this great country. We will put border security first and restore safe streets and a strong economy once again for the American people.
Kari Lake Responds to Kamala’s Border Photo-Op https://t.co/U0MoMgR57N
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) September 28, 2024
The post WATCH LIVE: Trump-Endorsed Arizona Senate Candidate Kari Lake Holds Press Conference in Response to Kamala’s Border Photo-Op appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.