Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, the Kari Lake-hating RINO top election official in the County overseeing voter registration and mail-in voting, revealed more information on the 90,000 registration forms turned in by a third-party group on the last day of voter registration in Maricopa County during a news conference last week.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on this incident. Roughly 40,000 of the registrations, or almost half of the total, were damaged or incomplete and could not be used, and many forms were illegally dated weeks prior.
Arizona state law mandates that third-party groups submit registration forms to election officials “within five days” of collecting them from voters.
Richer nonchalantly told reporters that these registrations were also brought in by “people with entire trash bags full of voter registration forms” and included fake names such as “Mickey Mouse, Jerry Seinfield, Donald Duck, among others.”
Under state law, Richer said, they were required to process all of the forms, whether they were damaged, torn, or fake.
This gave the group extra time to remedy voter registrations that were “in suspense” by calling a hotline and apparently just providing an address as proof of residency.
Voters do not need to show proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections for President, the Senate, or the House.
Richer also alluded to the fact that it was Field+Corps Media by saying, “this does include one of the groups that has made news in Pennsylvania,” and the County has “worked with” the group before. He appeared reluctant to provide the name initially.
Richer: We went up to about 2.5 million active registered voters by the beginning of September. In the final month, we went up about another 100,000 to 2.6 million active registered voters, just a little bit below that, which is the figure that we are using for this November 2024 General Election.
That does include 90,000 voter registration forms that were dropped off on the deadline, October 7.
That was the largest single day of voter registration forms in Maricopa County’s history. We had people with entire trash bags full of voter registration forms in our lobby.
Now a lot of people have asked about the integrity of those voter registration forms.
About 50,000 of those voter registration forms were voter registration forms that we simply wanted to process and could process and get those people prepared to be able to participate in this election.
40,000, approximately, of those voter registration forms were—I think the charitable word would be to say they were needing attention.
Those would be voter registration forms that were damaged, voter registration forms torn, voter registration forms written illegibly, voter registration forms that tried to register Mickey Mouse, Jerry Seinfield, Donald Duck, among others.
This put a lot of pressure on the staff. It also potentially has negative ramifications for voters in the form of if somebody submits a voter registration form that is handwritten that has been damaged by water, or has been torn, we still are required by law to process that voter registration form.
We do it to the best of our ability, but sometimes that information is not perfectly accurate.
Similarly, if somebody is working with a voter registration group and does not know that he or she has to provide documented proof of citizenship or documented proof of residence, then that person has to go into suspense.
Now, the good news is that every single voter registrant who is lacking either information, or it’s unclear, or hasn’t provided documented proof of citizenship or documented proof of residency is mailed a letter to the address that we have on file for that registrant.
And so, we do alert registrants that they need to take some additional step in order to be off of suspense, in order to be fully registered, or in order to be able to fully vote a ballot.
I will tell you that this has been a thorn in the side of county recorders throughout Arizona for many years, but it has picked up in recent years. Paper registration forms being done improperly or incompletely.
This does include one of the groups that has made news in Pennsylvania, and it is a group that we have worked with before, and we have admonished them to please, please, please submit better voter registration forms, to please do more quality control.
This is something that we have also discussed with the Maricopa County attorney’s office. We are in a position to be able to handle and help as many of those voters, should they show up tomorrow, as possible.
We have voter registration staff members in the command center. We also have a hotline going on right now in order to be able to repair any voter registration statuses that need to be repaired tomorrow.
That being said, we are seeing a slightly higher percentage of provisional ballots. That number is still low. I think it’s approximately 5600 as of today, but that is something that we are paying attention to for tomorrow.
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Richer later admitted that Field+Corps Media or Field Corps is the unnamed group when asked by a reporter.
Richer: Yes, that is Field Corps. Yes, this is a group that we have alerted in the past that we have been not wholly satisfied with the voter registration forms that have been submitted.
Yes, we have discussed this with the Maricopa County Attorney’s office. Yes, they played a significant role in the 90,000 forms that were dropped off on the voter registration deadline on October 7.
No, I do not have the specific number for exactly how many of those forms were from Field Corps.
Now, again, I will remind you that any single form that is processed that puts a voter into suspense status, or where the voter has incomplete information, we have to, by law, still process that form, and we have to, by law, send a letter to the affected voter at the best address that we have, alerting the voter that he or she needs to take certain steps or provide certain documentation in order to be fully registered.
And so when I talked about some of our constituent services work and some of the inbound calls, oftentimes, those inbound calls and those inbound emails will be people providing documented proof of residency, documented proof of citizenship, or even just an address that got translated incorrectly on the handwritten paper registration form.
I’ve seen date of births that have been translated inaccurately, I’ve seen just forms missing required information. And so they will provide that required information, as well.
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The Gateway Pundit reported that the Arizona-based group received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Democrats and was also caught pumping thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms into Pennsylvania’s election.
The group’s CEO, Francisco Heredia, serves as the Vice Mayor of Maricopa County and previously worked for the Maricopa County Recorders office under Cartel-linked Democrat Adrian Fontes and leftist nonprofit Mi Familia Vota. Notably, Heredia also endorsed Ruben Gallego against Kari Lake for Senate.
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Likewise, Kevin Runbeck, whose LinkedIn page still lists him as the Principal and CEO of Runbeck Election Services despite a change in leadership. Kevin Runbeck reportedly maintains “day-to-day duties while assuming the role of Chairman of the Board at Runbeck Election Services.”
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Robyn Runbeck, the wife of Kevin Runbeck, was a donor to the “STOP REPUBLICANS” PAC. This PAC is one of the beneficiaries of the nationwide network of campaign finance mules that funnel dark money through unemployed people to Democrats and progressive organizations.
Brian Runbeck, Kevin Runbeck’s brother, also made 50 separate donations to Act Blue, Biden for President and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee between August 15 and October 30, 2020 and listed his employer as Runbeck Election Services.
Additionally, Jeff Ellington, listed as CEO of Runbeck on the company’s webpage, has close business ties with RINO Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma. An Arizona investment firm operated by Toma’s brother purchased a majority stake in Runbeck last year.
So, the people registering the voters are clearly corrupt, the people printing the ballots are questionable, and the guy counting the votes hates Kari Lake with a passion and has said he wants to “make life hell” for her. What about this process is fair?
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Maricopa County dumped another batch of nearly 100,000 vote results last night, and they went 55% in favor of Ruben Gallego with just 41% for Kari Lake.
Similar results were reported by the County in large dumps earlier yesterday and on Saturday night. Worse, the latest results of over 12,000 ballots in Maricopa County broke nearly 59.7% for Ruben Gallego and just 36.6% in favor of Kari Lake.
Other unfavorable results were dumped in Pima County today. Gallego now leads Kari Lake by nearly 70,000 votes, with roughly 230,000 votes remaining to count across the state.
Recall that Kari had netted over 70,000 votes during the prior days, shrinking Gallego’s lead from over 100,000 votes to a roughly 32,000 vote difference, and the ensuing ballot dumps were expected to continue in Lake’s direction. But they’re stealing the election.
The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on the election results in Arizona.
The post WATCH: 40K Fraudulent Voter Registration Forms Dropped Off on Maricopa County Deadline Date “Tried to Register Mickey Mouse, Jerry Seinfeld, Donald Duck, Among Others” – Field+Media Corps CEO Previously Worked in Election Office and Endorsed Kari Lake’s Opponent appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.