Life is quite unpredictable, and before you know it, the world makes old terror B-flicks come alive in front of us.
So, what if an octopus decides to jump on a shark for a ride around the beach?
Scientists will jest that it’s a ‘Sharktopus’, of course!
Fox News reported:
“The rare sighting, captured on video off the coast of New Zealand and shared by scientists affiliated with the University of Auckland, shows a Maori octopus riding on top of a mako shark, which is the fastest in the world with the ability to swim up to 46 mph.“

The rare event was filmed off the coast of New Zealand.
The Auckland University researchers were looking for ‘shark feeding frenzies’ in the Hauraki Gulf when a fast mako shark appeared with an ‘orange patch’ on its head.
“The researchers launched a drone and put a GoPro camera in the water and ‘saw something unforgettable: an octopus perched atop the shark’s head, clinging on with its tentacles’.”
Constantine added that the researchers moved on after 10 minutes, so they weren’t sure what happened to the ‘Sharktopus’ next, but the “octopus may have been in for quite the experience, since the world’s fastest shark species can reach [30 mph].”
Read more:
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