As the US and Russia are engaged in a historic peace process with the somewhat reluctant participation of the Ukrainian regime, the European Liberal-Globalists are flaying about trying to claim some relevance while maintaining the anti-Russian furor on top of everyone’s minds.
Out of this European effort has arisen the plan by leftist UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer to send peacekeepers to maintain the peace in Ukraine once a ceasefire is signed.
To begin with, the plan is a non-starter because Russians have repeatedly warned that they will not accept troops from NATO countries as ‘peacekeepers’, having mentioned that Chinese or Brazilian troops may do the trick.
Asked about Starmer’s plans of a ‘coalition of the willing’ providing military security guarantees for a post-war Ukraine, US Special Envoy Steve Witkoff said in his Tucker Carlson interview: “I think it’s a combination of a posture and a pose and a combination of also being simplistic. There is this sort of notion that we have all got to be like [British wartime prime minister] Winston Churchill. Russians are going to march across Europe. That is preposterous by the way. We have something called Nato that we did not have in World War Two.”

Witkoff was heavily criticized in the UK press, except that now, UK Senior military sources are saying pretty much the same thing, with perhaps even harsher language dismissing his ‘coalition of the willing’ as ‘political theatre’.
The Telegraph reported:
“On Sunday, senior military sources dismissed the plans, telling The Telegraph that Sir Keir had ‘got ahead of himself’. […] One senior Army source said it was not “remotely possible” for a plan of support for Ukraine to be drawn up in that time.
He said: ‘There is no defined military end-state or military-strategic planning assumptions. It’s all political theatre. Starmer got ahead of himself with talk of boots on the ground before he knew what he was talking about, which is why we hear less about it now and more about jets and vessels which are easier to do and don’t need basing in Ukraine’.”

RAF fighter jets have been reported to police the skies above Ukraine under proposals discussed by the 30 nations that met at Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) in Northwood, west London.
British Typhoons could provide air cover to troops on the ground – although it’s unclear that any troops will even be sent in.
“One defense source described the talks as being in their ‘early stages’, adding that they were as much about the 30 nations involved ‘getting to know each other’. ‘It’s politics’, one military source said. ‘There’s no military sense in it’.”

Not the Russians nor the Americans support the UK-led ‘coalition’, and, worse, ‘no one knows what the mission is.’
“’There are about 700,000 Russians in and around Ukraine and over a million Ukrainians under arms’, he said. ‘What is a 10,000-international force based in the west of the country over 400km from the front line meant to do?’
‘It cannot even protect itself. What is the mission? What is its legitimacy? What are the rules of engagement? How is it commanded, supplied and housed? How long is it there for and why? No one knows’.”
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The post Senior UK Military Disregard Starmer’s Plan for ‘Boots on the Ground’ in Ukraine as ‘Political Theater’ – 10K Peacekeepers ‘Can’t Even Defend Themselves Against 700K Russian Troops’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.