A senior NATO official has urged people to prepare for a “wartime scenario” as various European countries consider the deployment of troops to Ukraine.
The chair of NATO’s military committee, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, said in Brussels on Monday that businesses must be prepared for the worst as tensions with Russia continue to escalate.
“If we can make sure that all crucial services and goods can be delivered no matter what, then that is a key part of our deterrence,” Bauer said.
He continued:
We’re seeing that with the growing number of sabotage acts, and Europe has seen that with energy supply. We thought we had a deal with Gazprom, but we actually had a deal with Mr Putin. And the same goes for Chinese-owned infrastructure and goods. We actually have a deal with (Chinese President) Xi (Jinping).
We are naive if we think the Communist Party will never use that power. Business leaders in Europe and America need to realise that the commercial decisions they make have strategic consequences for the security of their nation,” Bauer stressed.
Businesses need to be prepared for a wartime scenario and adjust their production and distribution lines accordingly. Because while it may be the military who wins battles, it’s the economies that win wars.
Bauer’s comments come as the risk of all-out war with Moscow continues to rise after the Biden regime approved the use of U.S. long-range missiles striking the Russian mainland.
According to a report from Le Monde, both Britain and France are currently discussing the idea of deploying troops to Ukraine in a bid to support the anti-Russian war effort.
RBC Ukraine notes:
The United Kingdom and France do not rule out the possibility of a foreign military contingent in Ukraine. This is because of the risks surrounding Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election, Le Monde reports.
According to the agency’s sources, discussions about sending Western troops and private defense companies to Ukraine have now intensified again. The details of the debate on this issue are classified, but they have intensified after Trump’s election victory.
Le Monde notes that the first initiative was made by French President Emmanuel Macron back in February. At that time, it provoked strong opposition from some European countries, led by Germany. At the same time, this scenario was not buried.
The agency adds that, based on their information, the initiative had been revived in recent weeks, particularly following British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s visit to France during the November 11 celebrations.
However, the future of the war in Ukraine will inevitably depend on the position taken by Donald Trump who has long suggested that he will bring both sides to the negotiating table at the first opportunity.
Following Trump’s stunning election victory over Kamala Harris, he reportedly spoke with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and urged him not to continue escalating the conflict.
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