The national elections were just held a week ago. Two seats have still not been called. Republican Dave McCormick has led his race since Election Day in Pennsylvania. He currently a 39,000 ballot lead in the Keystone State.
Kari Lake is still fighting in Arizona to defeat the open-border communist Ruben Gallego. President Trump easily took Arizona this year over Kamala Harris by six percentage points and 185,000 votes.
But we are all supposed to believe that the same voters who chose Donald Trump then switched their down-ballot and voted for the open-border communist!? Obviously, Arizona is up to its old tricks again.
It was not an easy run for Kari Lake and several other Republicans. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did not share any donations with Kari Lake, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, or Florida Senator Rick Scott.
Instead, McConnell blew millions on Trump-hater Larry Hogan who was wiped out in Maryland. Mitch McConnell is not on our side.
Then, last week, McConnell called for a closed-door secret leadership vote for Senate Republicans this coming Wednesday.
McConnell made the call before all of the votes were even counted.
Three Republicans have tossed their name into the ring. Senator Rick Scott, a MAGA Republican and former businessman.
John Thune, a faithful lackey of Mitch McConnell and a war-pig. And John Cornyn who is an outspoken dolt and war-pig.
The Gateway Pundit endorses Senator Rick Scott as Senate Majority Leader.
Rick Scott is the obvious choice. He made his impressive pitch on Sunday Morning Futures this AM.
The time for bold action to quickly confirm President Trump’s nominees and enact his agenda in the Senate starts TODAY.
We can and must change the direction of our country – that’s why I’m running to be Senate Majority Leader.
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) November 10, 2024
Rick Scott is serious. Six minutes after Trump posted his demands for a Senate leader, Senator Scott agreed to them.
Do you want to see how ON IT and READY Rick Scott is for Senate leader?
Trump posted his demands for whoever wins the Senate leadership election at 2:21PM.
Rick Scott promptly agreed to them in *SIX MINUTES.* No hesitation.
If there is one thing we need – it’s urgency!
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 10, 2024
Rick Scott is one of the openly pro-Trump members of the US Senate today. That’s why the current leadership team is not a fan of the Florida Senator.
John Thune is a Mitch McConnell war-pig and Mitch McConnell lackey and has been for a long time. Thune is Trump-hating McConnell’s right-hand man.
This video published by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is enough to disqualify Thune. Thune has repeatedly rejected President Trump over the years.
Senator John Thune has consistently shown that he does not support President Trump’s agenda, and his track record reflects that. The Senate deserves a majority leader who is committed to serving the will of the people, not the Uniparty. I believe that leader is @SenRickScott!
— Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (@RepLuna) November 10, 2024
And then there is John Cornyn who is a war-pig and a dope who is concerned about Ukraine’s border but not the US southern border.
Cornyn is not just a dolt, but he is offensive.
Here he is lecturing Texas AG Ken Paxton on securing Ukraine’s border and smearing Paxton on the fake charges against him. Paxton was later exonerated.
Ken, your criminal defense lawyers are calling to suggest you spend less time pushing Russian propaganda and more time defending longstanding felony charges against you in Houston, as well as ongoing federal grand jury proceedings in San Antonio that will probably result in…
— Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) February 13, 2024
Cornyn supported gun control and Republicans let him know how this upset them.
The boos are so loud at the Texas GOP convention as @JohnCornyn takes the stage it’s hard to hear him
— Scott Braddock (@scottbraddock) June 17, 2022
Cornyn’s most memorable interview was when he told Tucker Carlson in March 2017 that Republican voters did not really want a border wall when they voted for Trump to build a wall and that US Senators understand the issue better than the voters.
It was truly unbelievable!
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What an a$$.
There is only one choice for Senate Majority Leader and it’s Senator Rick Scott from Florida.
The post Senator Rick Scott Is the Obvious Choice for Senate Majority Leader – Here’s Why He’s Better than the War-Pigs Thune and Cornyn appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.