In a recent interview on Fox News, Republican Senate candidate Hung Cao of Virginia revealed while serving in a U.S. Navy’s Special Operations unit, he helped retrieve the body of John F. Kennedy Jr.’s body and plane.
Cao, in an interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham, shared, “As a Navy diver, I recovered John F. Kenendy Jr. and his plane.”
In an interview with the National Review in 2022, Cao gave more details on the mission.
Cao stated, “John F. Kennedy Jr. crashed in July of 1999, and we were at my commanding officer’s house that night. People had been searching for days.”
“We were able to recover the body of, really, America’s son and lay him to rest,” added Cao.
The guy running for senate in Virginia recovered JFK Jr. & his plane? pic.twitter.com/5hZbaPmo0V
— Jimmie (@JimmieShaman) October 4, 2024
Per The National Review:
“John F. Kennedy [Jr.] crashed in July of 1999 and we were at my commanding officer’s house that night. People had been searching for days,” Republican congressional candidate Hung Cao told National Review.
“We were able to recover the body of, really, America’s son, and lay him to rest,” Cao said, describing the salvage operation that recovered the former president’s son…
“I’ve done many salvages in my lifetime, bringing up planes, tanks, just things at the bottom of the ocean,” Cao said. “The first part of anything that happens in the United States starts with salvage, so we can bring back the American spirit.”
Hung Cao faces U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine in a highly contentious race in Virginia.
On Wednesday night, Cao and Kaine faced off in a debate where Cao faired quite well.
Virginia Senate Candidate Retired Navy Captain Hung Cao Brutalizes Tim Kaine During Debate (Video)
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