The peace process between the United States and Russia is gaining momentum, despite the constant weeping and gnashing of teeth by the Liberal-Globalist networks all over the planet.
Proof of that is the fact that, after the lower-level talks have continued non-stop, Presidents Donald J. Trump and Vladimir Putin are reportedly set to hold talks again this week – a fact that is a sign of meaningful developments, because the top dogs don’t get involved unless there’s significant progress.
The USAID-media, as always, is working around-the-clock to try to discredit and perhaps even impede this historic détente from happening.
We just saw the MSM falsely reporting that Putin left US Special Envoy Steve Witkoff waiting for nine hours before receiving him for talks in the Kremlin – leading to Trump debunking the story in a Truth post, calling the Fake News ‘reporters’ ‘sick degenerates’.

The Telegraph reported:
“US envoy Steve Witkoff, who spoke with Putin for several hours in Moscow on Thursday, said he assumes the highly anticipated call between the two leaders will be ‘really good and positive’.
‘I expect that there will be a call with both presidents this week, and we’re also continuing to engage and have conversation with the Ukrainians’, he told CNN on Sunday, adding he hopes to see ‘real progress’ in ending the conflict soon.”

“Earlier on Sunday, Moscow said Marco Rubio, the US secretary of state, called his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov and discussed ‘concrete aspects of the implementation of understandings’ established at a US-Russia summit last month.”
This is also significant, because the bigger aspect of this détente is not only to stop the war in Ukraine – certainly a very important goal – but to restart US-Russia relations towards a world of cooperation and prosperity with peace between the nuclear powers.
Read more:
BREAKING: Russian President Putin Accepts US-Ukraine Ceasefire Plan — But With Specific Conditions
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