Having foolishly accepted millions upon millions of unchecked and unassimilating mass migrants, all of Europe has seen a spike in crime and an associated dip in quality of life.
But in leftist Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s UK dystopia, he added a specific spice to the tragedy that is all his own: he released thousands of criminals from prison, including potentially dangerous ones.
So, now, in Charles’ lawless Kingdom, you have a situation where a Minister has her purse stolen in a Police Conference, and MPs like Nigel Farage don’t see constituents personally out of fear of widespread knife violence (check the links below).
Now, the situation has cleared the last ‘red line’, in which not even the Royal Family stands immune to the widespread criminality around.
Associated Press reported:
“British police are investigating a burglary on the Windsor Castle estate, fueling concerns about security at the royal residence west of London.
The suspects stole a pickup truck and a quad bike from a farm building on the estate just before midnight on Oct. 13, Thames Valley Police said in a statement. Police provided a general location for the property, which suggests that the burglary took place more than a mile from Windsor Castle.”
Two masked men scaled a 6-foot fence, took the vehicles, and drove through a security barrier on their way out.
“King Charles III and Queen Camilla were not at Windsor Castle at the time of the raid. The newspaper suggested that Prince William and his family were at Adelaide Cottage, their home on the estate, which is about a five-minute drive from the site of the burglary.”
Read: LAWLESS KINGDOM: A Rape Is Reported Every Hour in London
Police are still investigating the incident, and no arrests have been made.
London’s Metro Police, which provides protection for the royals, recently removed armed officers from the public entrances to Windsor Castle.
There is a shortage of officers authorized to carry firearms – believe it or not – and furthermore they wanted to ‘ease the concerns of tourists’ who were nervous about the presence of armed officers.
Read morer:
Lawless Kingdom: British Crime Minister Has Her Purse Stolen at Police Conference
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The post LAWLESS KINGDOM: In Keir Starmer’s UK, Not Even Windsor Castle Is Safe, as Burglars Steal a Pickup Truck and a Quad Bike From Property Grounds appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.