As the Trump-brokered Peace Process between Russia and Ukraine sees progress but faces the inevitable difficulties, Europeans continues to try to escalate the situation with the convoluted plans by UK’s Keir Starmer and France’s Emmanuel Macron.
Their talk of ‘boots in the ground’ will never prosper, because Moscow has repeatedly said that it will never agree to any proposal for NATO countries to send ‘peacekeepers’ to Ukraine.
Today, European madness sent out two contrasting signals at the same time: strategic ambiguity or simple lack of common purpose?

The reason is lack of member support, logistical impossibilities and, of course the opposition by Donald J. Trump and Vladimir Putin.
Diplomats now admit the growing acceptance of the fact that ‘sending such a force is not the likeliest outcome’.
Reuters reported:
“They are taking a step back from ground troops and trying to re-dimension what they were doing to something that could be more sensible,” said one European diplomat.
Said another: “When Ukraine was in a better position, the idea of sending troops appealed. But now, with the situation on the ground and the U.S administration as it is, it’s not very sexy.”

For one, a Kiev high-level official has come out and stated that ‘European troops must be ready to fight’ if they are sent as peacekeepers in any future peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.
Basically, this confirms that the Volodymyr Zelensky regime Ukraine views European military support ‘not as a deterrence mechanism, but as an escalation tool’.
The Telegraph reported:
“’We don’t need a mere presence to showcase that Europe is present’, Igor Zhovkva, a top Ukrainian negotiator, said ahead of an international summit in Paris.
‘It’s not the amount which matters… it’s also their readiness to fight, their readiness to defend, their readiness to be equipped, and their readiness to understand that Ukraine is an inevitable part of European security’, he said.”

France’s Macron, never to lose a chance to grandstand, said today (26) that an eventual European force deployed to Ukraine could ‘respond’ to an equally hypothetical Russian attack.
Associated Press reported:
“’If there was again a generalized aggression against Ukrainian soil, these armies would be under attack and then it’s our usual framework of engagement’, Macron said. ‘Our soldiers, when they are engaged and deployed, are there to react and respond to the decisions of the commander in chief and, if they are in a conflict situation, to respond to it’.
He said the proposed European forces wouldn’t be stationed in the frontlines in Ukraine, ‘nor be engaged on the first day opposite Russian forces’. They would ‘be forces that dissuade the Russians from attacking again. And by holding important towns, strategic bases, mark the clear support from several European governments and allies’, he said.
‘So we are not on the frontlines, we don’t go to fight, but we are there to guarantee a lasting peace. It’s a pacifist approach’, he said. ‘The only ones who would, at that moment, trigger a conflict, a bellicose situation, would be the Russians if they decided again to launch an aggression’.”
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The post Kiev Demands Europe Send ‘Combat-Ready Troops’ – Warmonger Macron Says They ‘Can Defend Themselves if Attacked’ – EU Officials: Sending Peacekeepers Is Not the Focus Anymore appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.