In a predictable turn of events on a campus known for its opposition to conservative ideas, Ruby Halperin, the daughter of Arizona’s Republican Nominee for US Senate, Kari Lake, was attacked on Wednesday while she was registering voters at Arizona State University (ASU).
Turning Point Action on Wednesday held a “Greek Voter Registration” event that far outsized a competing Democratic voter registration drive on campus.
We are not the same
Same location, different candidates and different policies
It’s fun to wear the hat, register new voters, chase ballots, to be vocal about the future you want and we have 41 days to keep doing just that
VOTE KARI LAKEGet involved
— Nick Moore (@GOPNickMoore) September 26, 2024
This seemingly triggered the liberal students, leading to an incident where Lake’s daughter says, “A crazed leftist threw a drink at me and ran off.”
Halperin posted photos of herself soaked by the perpetrator’s drink to X, commenting, “THIS IS THE LEFT. They know we are winning this election and it scares them. GET UP AND VOTE TRUMP.”
Her mother, Kari Lake, agreed, adding, “They know that thousands of kids at every university are registering Republican. They know that they are losing the young vote because young Americans know their future is on the line and it’s the America First Republican party that wants to make their future great again.”
They know that thousands of kids at every university are registering Republican. They know that they are losing the young vote because young Americans know their future is on the line and it’s the America First Republican party that wants to make their future great again.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) September 25, 2024
In a subsequent X post, Lake questioned, “Where is the news media in giving this coverage??” Lake continued, “If the tables were turned and a young Democrat was registering other students to vote and a Republican poured a bottle of soda on that Democrat student the news media would be ALL OVER THIS. Shame on the compromised Arizona news media.”
Where is the news media in giving this coverage??
If the tables were turned and a young Democrat was registering other students to vote and a Republican poured a bottle of soda on that Democrat student the news media would be ALL OVER THIS.
Shame on the compromised Arizona… https://t.co/RUJJxvyz21
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) September 25, 2024
It should be noted that, as of writing, none of the local Arizona media has reported on the incident.
Halperin told The Gateway Pundit, “Today while registering voters at Arizona State University, a crazed leftist threw a drink at me and ran off. This is not just a normal attack; it’s meant to scare conservatives. This is why it’s so important that we continue to fight this fight. The left is scared, and they are showing it through violence. I will never back down.”
This was just one of many incidents in recent years targeting conservatives with violence and suppression. Last year, a professor who founded Drag Story Hour Arizona and taught a seminar on “LGBTQ+ Youth in Pop Culture and Politics” attacked two Turning Point USA journalists.
Also, in 2023, the woke ASU faculty erupted with outrage over an event at the school with conservative panelists Charlie Kirk, Robert Kiyosaki, and Dennis Prager. This led to the harassment and firing of two employees who hosted the event.
During the 2022 midterm elections, Arizona PBS, which is housed in and partnered with Arizona State University’s Cronkite School of Journalism, swindled Arizona voters by giving Katie Hobbs free airtime in lieu of a debate following her refusal to debate Kari Lake. This also came after the Arizona Clean Elections Commission, which partners with PBS to host candidate debates, rejected Democrat Katie Hobbs’ proposal to change the gubernatorial debate into a forum with separate interviews for the candidates.
Earlier in 2022, ASU canceled a conservative group’s event featuring Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs and former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, ostensibly because the event featured conservatives, which is one of the three reasons reportedly given by the university.
In 2021, The Gateway Pundit reported on one professor’s radical leftist propaganda operation, which assigned homework in her business management class, which listed “the election of Donald Trump” as a potential event that posed “a threat to the world trading system.”
Later that same year, far-left students protested Kyle Rittenhouse’s attendance at the university, calling on the school to “protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.” The protestors’ demands included Rittenhouse’s expulsion from the university, a statement by ASU denouncing “racist murderer” Rittenhouse, and the defunding of ASU police to fund the so-called “multicultural center” that discriminates against white people.
And who can forget the viral 2022 incident in the school’s aforementioned “multicultural center,” where two women harassed two white students–for being white on campus?
ASU Students Found Guilty Of Harassing White Students Are Triggered By College’s Punishment (VIDEO)
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The post Kari Lake’s Daughter Attacked by Crazed Leftist While Registering Voters at Arizona State University appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.