A mere seven months after his landslide victory, failing PM Starmer is leading a train wreck of a government to the point where, if things continue in this trend, it is not unlikely that he may be forced to call early elections.
Raising taxes insanely, cutting services, freeing dangerous criminals, incarcerating people for memes, mishandling unchecked mass migration and security… the list of failures goes on – not to mention the endless scandals.
So it’s hardly surprising that the common-sense champions, Nigel Farage’s right-wing Reform UK party have now surged past leftist Labour to become the country’s most popular political party in a new poll.
The Reuters report says it’s the ‘first time’ that happens, but the Find Out Now poll from January 22nd already showed Reform leading.
Reform takes the LEAD for the first time latest YouGov poll.
Reform: 25% (+2)
LAB: 24% (-3)
CON: 21% (-1)
LD: 14% (nc)
Green: 9% (nc)@Nigel_Farage personal approvals also ahead of Starmer + Badenoch.Real change is coming to Britain pic.twitter.com/BwWa4qvjs8
— Zia Yusuf (@ZiaYusufUK) February 3, 2025
Read: Nigel Farage’s Upsurging Populists From Reform UK Now Have More Members Than the Conservative Party
Reuters reported:
“The poll, conducted by YouGov for the Times newspaper and published on Monday, showed that if a general election were held tomorrow 25% of British voters would choose Reform, 24% would pick Labour, and 21% would vote for the Conservatives.
Reform’s narrow lead over Labour in the poll – which surveyed 2,465 people over Feb. 2-3 – is within the margin of error, YouGov said.”
Starmer ended 14 years of Conservative rule, but has suffered what Reuters euphemistically calls ‘a number of early setbacks’.
So, Farage’s populist, spousing, common-sense policies that reflect the British public’s needs and desires gained ground over Britain’s two establishment political parties.

“Farage, a friend of U.S. President Donald Trump, was one of the leading campaigners for Britain to leave the European Union in 2016, and supports reduced immigration and lower taxes.
Britain’s ‘first past the post’ electoral system meant Reform won just five out of the 650 parliamentary seats in last year’s national election, despite a 14.3% overall vote share. Labour’s landslide 63.2% seat share came on a vote share of 33.7%.”
Britain wants Reform. pic.twitter.com/1WJb8LFEFV
— Nigel Farage MP (@Nigel_Farage) February 3, 2025
Labour fell three points since Jan. 26-27, while Reform gained two points. The Conservatives fell further behind losing one point in the poll.
Watch: Nigel Farage ‘There’s a good chance I could be the next prime minister’.
Nigel Farage ‘There’s a good chance I could be the next prime minister’
Do you agree? pic.twitter.com/la2PEGvuXy
— Queen Natalie (@TheNorfolkLion) February 3, 2025
Read more:
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The post BRITISH AWAKENING: Farage’s Reform UK Surges Past Starmer’s Failing Labour in New YouGov Poll – Decadent Tories Come in Third appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.