Several reports of alligators swimming through residential areas in Sarasota, Florida, emerged after Hurricane Helene hit the Sunshine State.
In a news broadcast on Thursday night, ABC News warned residents not to venture out in flood waters after receiving reports of alligators swimming through flooded streets.
The ABC News reporter further shared that her producer spotted an alligator in a flooded area.
Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida posted a video on X of an alligator swimming in a residential area and wrote, “Beware of Hurricane Alligators.”
Beware of Hurricane Alligators
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) September 27, 2024
Per Newsweek:
Reports of alligators swimming through Sarasota streets after Hurricane Helene struck Florida have started to surface on social media.
In a newscast Thursday night, an ABC reporter cited reports of alligators swimming through some flooded streets and warned people not to venture out into the floodwaters.
“We’ve actually been seeing some people swimming through the area, alligators swimming through the area,” the reporter said, adding that her producer just told her they’ve seen the alligators. “This is another reason you don’t want to get into this mess. My friend likes to call it Jurassic Florida.”
Many posts on X (formerly Twitter) about the event said that the alligators were seen in Sarasota. Newsweek reached out to the city of Sarasota and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) by email for comment.
Many areas of Florida have experienced major flooding.
Flooding in Fort Myers Beach got so severe authorities deployed marine deputies to conduct search and rescue missions.
Fort Myers Beach Is Under Water As Huricane Helene Hits Florida, Marine Deputies Deployed (VIDEO)
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