A week after her landslide defeat to Donald Trump, Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is still desperately begging its supporters for donations.
According to emails obtained by The Daily Caller, the campaign is asking supporters to contribute to the “Harris Fight Fund” program which they claim will go towards funding legal challenges to races that remain too close to call.
“First and foremost, we want to acknowledge the fear, confusion and sadness many of you are feeling at this moment,” one of the emails says.
“As you read this, there are U.S. Senate and House races that are either too close to call, or within the margin of recounts or certain legal challenges.”
“Can you please rush a contribution to the Harris Fight Fund program today?”
Another fundraising email sent just hours after her defeat says money will be used “help elect Democrats down the ticket to hold the Trump administration accountable.”
“The outcome of this election is not what we wanted,” the email states. “I will never give up the fight for a future where every American can pursue their dreams.”
Given that only a handful of races remain uncalled, it is unclear exactly what the funds will be used for.
Bob Casey, who lost his Pennsylvania Senate seat to businessman Dave McCormick, is among the few Democrats who are still refusing to concede their race.
With the help of Democratic lawyer Mark Elias, Casey is working to try and overturn the final results and is also seeking donations in order to do so.
The WSJ editorial board takes a blow torch to @Bob_Casey and dark money grifter @marceelias for trying to steal an election in Pennsylvania pic.twitter.com/1DUNTLDKOi
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) November 11, 2024
Despite raising over $1 billion , the campaign is understood to have ended the race with $20 million in debt, having spent lavishly on celebrity endorsements and various marketing services.
My campaign is $20 million in debt and half of you wanted me to run the economy.
— Kamala Harris Press Release (Parody) (@joebldenpress) November 11, 2024
Just this week, it was reported that the campaign paid billionaire Oprah Winfrey $1 million in October for hosting a town hall and one public endorsement at a rally in Pennsylvania.
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A further $20 million was spent on concerts in seven swing states, featuring the likes of Bon Jovi in Detroit, Christina Aguilera in Las Vegas, Katy Perry in Pittsburgh, Lady Gaga in Philadelphia, and a 2 Chainz performance at a rally in Atlanta.
Donald Trump, meanwhile, has shown his sympathy for their financial predicament.
In a post on Truth Social, he said the Harris campaign had been “squeezed by vendors” and would support doing “whatever we can do to help them during this difficult period.”
HOLY SMOKES. Trump is now offering to use his leftover funds to pay off the debts of the Harris campaign and DNC. pic.twitter.com/n9XYleXmSP
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) November 9, 2024
The post A Week After Her Landslide Defeat, Kamala’s Indebted Campaign is Still Begging Supporters For Donations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.