The British paper The Telegraph claims to have has access to a draft of the ‘pre-decisional contract’, sent by the US to Volodymyr Zelensky, dealing with a demand for a $500bn ‘payback’ from Ukraine for the aid already delivered.
The document, marked ‘Privileged & Confidential’ and dated Feb 7 2025, has caused ‘consternation and panic’ in Kiev, according to the Telegraph report.
The writer Ambrose Evans Pritchard is ‘shocked’ by the draconian terms, calls it ‘economic colonization of Ukraine’, a ‘burden of reparations that cannot possibly be achieved’.
“It states that the US and Ukraine should form a joint investment fund to ensure that ‘hostile parties to the conflict do not benefit from the reconstruction of Ukraine’. The agreement covers the ‘economic value associated with resources of Ukraine”, including “mineral resources, oil and gas resources, ports, other infrastructure (as agreed)’, leaving it unclear what else might be encompassed. ‘This agreement shall be governed by New York law, without regard to conflict of laws principles’, it states.”

The US will reportedly own half of the recurring revenues from extraction of resources, and half of the financial value of all new licenses for extraction.
“There will be ‘a lien on such revenues’ in favor of the US. ‘That clause means ‘pay us first, and then feed your children’,’ said one source close to the negotiations.”
“The fund ‘shall have the exclusive right to establish the method, selection criteria, terms, and conditions’ of all future licenses and projects. And so forth, in this vein. “
Pritchard does not comment on how hundreds of billions of dollars sent to Ukraine were in considerable part swindled by the Kiev regime – he is too busy concocting historical comparisons, like saying the contract is ‘worse than the financial penalties imposed on Germany and Japan after their defeat in 1945’ or even the Versailles Treaty on WW1.
“Donald Trump told Fox News that Ukraine had ‘essentially agreed’ to hand over $500bn. ‘They have tremendously valuable land in terms of rare earths, in terms of oil and gas, in terms of other things’, he said.
[…] ‘They may make a deal. They may not make a deal. They may be Russian someday, or they may not be Russian someday. But I want this money back’.”
The British writer is horrified that Trump hints that if Zelensky doesn’t pay, the US may let Russia get the whole of Ukraine territory – but that’s the reality.

Trump has stated that the US spent $300bn on the war so far, to send out any more would be ‘stupid’. And he wants to get paid for what was already sent. The Telegraph doesn’t tire of complaining:
“Ukraine cannot possibly meet his $500bn demand in any meaningful timeframe, leaving aside the larger matter of whether it is honorable to treat a victim nation in this fashion after it has held the battle line for the liberal democracies at enormous sacrifice for three years. Who really has a debt has a debt to whom, may one ask?”
‘Held the battle line for the liberal democracies’? Give us a break.
Read more:
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The post TOUGH NEGOTIATOR: UK’s Telegraph Claims To Have Leaked US Plan for Ukraine Reparations, Shows ‘Horror’ at Trump’s Draconian Terms To Clawback as Much as $500 Billion appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.