The British Royal Family never ceases to deliver non-stop infighting that further imperils their survival in the Twenty-First Century.
We’ve had King Charles against disgraced bother Andrew and against his prodigal son Harry. We’ve had Prince of Wales William also against his brother Harry.
And now we may be beginning to watch the final rift: King Charles against his chosen heir William.
This week, Prince William did a major new interview about his ‘approach to ruling’ and has seemingly thrown his father King Charles ‘under a London bus’, apparently suggesting that his reign is a kind of bad and lacks empathy.
The New York Post reported:
“’I’m trying to do it differently and I’m trying to do it for my generation. And to give you more of an understanding around it, I’m doing it with maybe a smaller ‘r’ in the royal, if you like. So it’s more about impact, philanthropy, collaboration, convening and helping people’, he said.
‘I’m also going to throw empathy in there as well because I really care about what I do. It helps impact people’s lives and I think we could do with some more empathetic leadership around the world. So that’s what I’m trying to bring, that’s what Catherine is trying to bring as well.”
When William calls for ‘more empathetic leadership’ he is suggesting that King Charles is lacking in this department, is it not the case?
The Post report reminds us that Charles already launched his ‘Prince’s Trust’ to ‘help people’ half a century ago.
The King, the report suggests, ‘seems to have lost control over those unruly relatives of his.’
“Forget that wayward son several time zones away furtively Googling camera angles when his Netflix crew is not looking, but much closer to home, he has not one but two close family members having very publicly broken ranks this week.”
On the one hand, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, refuses to leave the Royal Lodge, even with the increasingly extreme tactics by the King to try and push him out.
“The Times has now reported that the duke has basically outmaneuvered the king, somehow having independently found the funds to stay at Royal Lodge.”
Charles seems like ‘a ruler struggling to keep control of a defiant lot’ – and now William is adding to the pressure.
“That the 76-year-old has only been warming the throne for a scant two years and already his son is doing some agitating about what his rule will be like and setting out his Kingly stall, hardly redounds to the Prince of Wales’ credit or says much about his loyalty.”
Read more:
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The post ANOTHER ROYAL FEUD? After Andrew and Harry Disputes, Now Heir to the Throne Prince William Throws Shade on King Charles’ Reign in New Interview appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.