Maricopa County released two batches of ballots on Sunday totaling 120,423 votes, and Democrat Ruben Gallego’s lead over Kari Lake has increased to over 66,000 votes across the state of Arizona.
The estimated number of uncounted ballots statewide is 272,239.
The first batch of 23,169 ballots, released at around 11 am MST Sunday, went more than 55% for Ruben Gallego and just over 41% in favor of Lake, netting Gallego an additional 3,278 votes.
Later, at 7 pm, MST Maricopa dumped 97,254 ballots favoring Gallego 54% to Lake’s 40%, bringing Gallego’s lead above 66,000. Notably, Kamala Harris won only 51% of these votes, and Trump won 47%, which makes no sense.
As The Gateway Pundit reported the night before, the results of 104,407 ballots were eerily similar, with 42.4% for Kari Lake and 54.5% for Ruben Gallego. This came as things started looking up for the Trump-Endorsed Senate hopeful and the remaining ballots were expected to go Lake’s way.
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Recall that Kari had netted over 70,000 votes during the prior days, shrinking Gallego’s lead from over 100,000 votes to a roughly 32,000 vote difference, and the ensuing ballot dumps were expected to continue in Lake’s direction. But they’re stealing it.
According to Maricopa County’s unofficial results webpage, Ruben Gallego received nearly as many votes as President Trump, and Kari Lake received close to the amount that Kamala Harris received. Maricopa County would have you believe that 100,000 people voted Donald Trump for President and an open borders Marxist for the Senate.
Who honestly believes this? It’s almost like they just flipped the numbers in the Senate race.
Remember that Stephen Richer, the county’s top election official, hates Kari Lake with a passion. The Gateway Pundit reported on a deposition he gave in his defamation lawsuit against Kari Lake, where it was revealed that he contemplated running for Senate to “make life hell for Kari Lake” and admitted that he is “anti-MAGA” in private text messages. This comes after he ran an anti-MAGA PAC against Kari Lake in the 2022 election–the same election where 60% of vote tabulators failed and caused four-hour wait times for Republican voters.
Richer also votes for Democrats like Katie Hobbs and likely Kamala Harris.
The ballot counting is still not over, but it’s not looking great.
The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on the Arizona election.
The post THE FIX IS IN: Maricopa County Releases Another Bogus 97K Ballot Dump as They Steal Kari Lake’s Race appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.