Democrats are already suggesting a repeat of the primary election coup, where Biden dropped out of the race weeks before the DNC convention after pressure from the party and left the door open for Kamala Harris to take the nomination.
This time, they want to do it with the White House in the Biden-Harris administration’s final days.
During a CNN panel discussion hosted by Trump-hater Dana Bash on Sunday, former Kamala Harris communications director Jamal Simmons proposed, “There’s one promise left that he could fulfill: being a transitional figure.”
In order to save face for the Democrats, Biden needs to resign “in the next 30 days” and “make Kamala Harris the President of the United States,”
They want the first female President to be another DEI hire who received the Presidency as a participation award after getting spanked by Donald Trump.
Trump won in a landslide with the popular vote and 312 electoral votes. This would not sit well with the rest of America, and Kamala would live in infamy as an illegitimate President.
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These people are a threat to Democracy.
Simmons’ statement drew “wows” and laughs from other guests on the panel.
“This has now jumped from an internet meme to a Sunday morning show. Congratulations,” said Bash in utter shock at the suggestion. Scott Jennings chimed in, saying, “Jamal’s out here writing the next season of House of Cards.”
Simmons: Joe Biden has been a phenomenal president. He’s lived up to so many of the promises he’s made. There’s one promise left that he could fulfill: being a transitional figure. He could resign the presidency in the next 30 days, make Kamala Harris the President of the United States. He would absolve from being able—having to oversee the January 6 transition, right, of her own defeat, and it would make sure that it would dominate the news at a point where Democrats have to learn drama and transparency and doing things that the public will want to see, is the time—this is the moment for us to change the entire perspective of how Democrats operate.
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