Chuck Schumer knows the writing is on the wall for his time as Senate Majority Leader.
Schumer, who has led Democrats in the Senate for the past four years, suggested in a statement that the new Senate should embrace “bipartisan legislation” rather than Trump’s agenda.
“As we await the final tallies in elections across the country, Senate Democrats remain committed to our values and to working with our Republican colleagues to deliver for the American people,” his statement read.
“As I’ve said time and again, in both the majority and the minority, the only way to get things done in the Senate is through bipartisan legislation while maintaining our principles — and the next two years will be no different,” he continued.
“Please be nice to us after we tried to put you all in prison”
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) November 7, 2024
The 73-year-old New York Democrat, who worked to put President Trump in prison, also praised Kamala Harris for running an inspiring campaign, despite the fact she lost in a landslide.
“Vice President Kamala Harris’s historic candidacy inspired millions, and her vision for a better future for all Americans will endure,” he declared.
“Her advocacy on many issues — from lower costs, more affordable housing, and a fairer tax system — will continue to have strong impacts on America and on our party.”
August: Schumer wants to abolish the filibuster so Dems can legislate with a simple majority
Today: Schumer screams about both parties working together, says GOP can’t legislate with simple majority
— John Hasson (@SonofHas) November 7, 2024
As the dust settles on this historic night, Schumer will inevitably take blame for his confidence in Democrats retaining the Senate majority.
He told reporters back in August:
We’re seeing this in the Senate, our candidates are running even further ahead than we expected at this point. Why is that happening?
First, we have three strengths in our candidates. Our candidates, whether they be incumbent or not, they’re mainstream people. They’ve always focused on the mainstream.
Second, they’re identified with their states. Third, this is the most interesting point, I think. They are implementing what we did in ’21 and ’22.
Schumer added that Republicans, meanwhile, had “recruited a bunch of out-of-touch billionaires.”
“Many of these people moved away from their states decades ago and only came back to run in the last few years,” he said at the time. “They are so out of touch with politics, with what people feel, with what people need that it’s coming through.”
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Final Senate results are still rolling in, although Republicans have already added two seats; Gov. Jim Justice of West Virginia and businessman Bernie Moreno in Ohio.
Additional GOP gains are expected to be confirmed in the coming days, most notably through David McCormick in Pennsylvania.
The post Desperate Chuck Schumer Begs Republicans to Embrace ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation as GOP Blowout Means Total Senate Control appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
Heads are going to roll, come on Trump let’s start this ball game! The sooner the better. Now take that down your back!